I‘m an Author.

I explore life through writing. I embraced the craft of writing to challenge complex concepts and contribute to unfold the extraordinary potential of humankind.

A way to think

My writing process

I took an unusual path in the field of writing; I study before I share and I write before claiming any truth. I use writing to solve problems and get the most out of the the solution.

Writing challenges the deepest levels of the thought process. From the first draft to editing, from the verb choice to a true sentence, one complete and coherent paragraph at a time, every step is important.
Editing elevates the work to another level and a great story is forged. Either it is coherent and cohesive, or it isn’t.
Publishing gets the best of you. Readers will judge the story. If it is a great story, it will live through them. The book will perpetuate.

Order my latest book

Awareness Intelligence on Success: Consciousness In The New Age Of Thoughts.

In this book I challenge the concept of success. "Awareness Intelligence on Success" is a deep dive into our innate desire for accomplishment and recognition. I challenged the common belief that success requires hard work, personal sacrifice, and specific conditions, and I explore the role of consciousness in our quest for success. If you are seeking to understand the true nature of success and how you could achieve it, this book is for you. You will reflect and redefine your own definition of success. I promise a whole new world!

Awareness Intelligence on Success


It Is My Call, Dad!

Three things not to forget while dealing with kids.

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